Why Does My Heat Pump Keep Freezing Up in Knoxville, TN?

Heat pumps usually freeze up when the system’s components stop functioning properly. Often, you’ll need a replacement part or repair services to get it working correctly. To help you understand what’s happening, read on to learn a few reasons a heat pump in Knoxville, TN, will freeze up.

Low Refrigerant

A leak can cause your heat pump to be low on refrigerant. Leaks can be due to faulty valves or loose fittings. Even a weak solder joint can result in a refrigerant leak.

Another culprit is components that rub on the refrigerant tank, which can create a puncture over time. All of these issues can result in the heat pump freezing up.

Filthy Evaporator Coils

The refrigerant runs through the evaporator coil. It brings heat into your home in the winter and pulls heat out during the summer.

Once your evaporator coil is dirty, it won’t be able to transfer heat the way it should. It compromises the airflow and causes the system to freeze up.

Faulty Blower Motor

If your heat pump’s blower motor isn’t working properly, it can cause all kinds of trouble, including freezing up. The fan could start or stop intermittently or stop completely. If this is the problem causing your heat pump to freeze up, we’ll need to replace it.

Dirty Fan Blades

When fan blades are dirty, they restrict the airflow and exhaust output. This traps moisture, which turns into ice. Like many of these issues, routine maintenance will help avoid this problem.

Clogged Air Filter

If your air filter isn’t changed often enough, it can completely clog. This reduces the airflow and traps moisture, causing a freeze-up.

If your heat pump freezes up, don’t waste time being uncomfortable. Call Pol’s Heating and Cooling, LLC for help with all of your heat pump problems.

Image provided by iStock

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