Why Does My Furnace Make My House Smell Bad

An unusual smell from your furnace is one of the signs that your system is malfunctioning. Various smells have different meanings. Let’s discuss some furnace odors that can occur in your Tellico Plains, TN, home and what they mean.

Burning Smell

You may notice a burning odor when you turn on the system for the first time during the heating season. Dust may have accumulated on the furnace’s parts during the months of inactivity.

When the system starts running, its components warm up and heat the dust, causing the burning smell. Typically, the smell disappears after a short while when all the dust burns. If the smell persists, the coating on your furnace’s wire could be burning, or it may be that your filters need replacing.

Musty Smell

The moist surfaces on your furnace’s components create a favorable environment for biological contaminants to grow. With time, these pollutants release microbes that make their way into your indoor air space.

The microbes cause a musty odor. Schedule regular maintenance services to keep your furnace’s components clean.

Rotten Egg Smell

You may detect this smell if you have a natural-gas-powered furnace. The smell occurs when this gas leaks out.

Gas companies add a chemical that has a sulfur-like or rotten-egg smell to the gas since the fluid is odorless. This helps homeowners to know when their natural gas leaks. Natural gas harms human health and can potentially cause an explosion in extreme cases.

Therefore, turn off your furnace and evacuate everyone from your house if you detect this smell. Proceed to call a professional service technician to inspect and repair the leakage.

Ignoring any odd smells from your furnace can allow the problem to worsen. Our service technicians will find the problem causing the smell and repair it. Contact Pol’s Heating and Cooling, LLC today for exceptional furnace services in Tellico Plains, TN.

Image provided by iStock

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