Mythbusting Your HVAC System in Lenoir City, TN

Have you ever looked at how to properly use and maintain your HVAC system in Lenoir City, TN? Chances are that you’ve seen some common myths that may cost you. Discover the most common myths and the truth surrounding each to get the most out of your HVAC system.

Myth: You Can Estimate Your System Needs With Your Home’s Square Footage

When looking at a new furnace or AC installation, you may hear that all you need to consider is your home’s size. You should know the serviceable square footage, that much is true, but that’s just the starting point.

If you don’t consider the other variables, you may end up with an oversized or undersized system. Either of these will cost you more in utility expenses and shorten the system’s service life. Other variables considered in sizing a system include:

  • The external environment.
  • The home’s construction.
  • The number of occupants.
  • Your family’s lifestyle.

Myth: Insulation and Windows Matter More Than Equipment

People selling insulation and window upgrades may convince you that they matter more than your HVAC equipment. It’s true that these are important factors for improving your system’s HVAC efficiency.

However, think of your HVAC system as a three-legged stool with your system, ventilation and insulation as the legs. If any one of these is out of balance or not performing optimally, your system will suffer. To get the most efficiency, you’ll need your system working properly with good ventilation in your home and proper insulation.

Myth: You Can Improve Your Air Quality With a Better Filter

Air quality is a significant factor in home comfort. You may have heard that you can improve your air quality by swapping your common filter for a denser filter that catches smaller particles.

Unfortunately, denser filters require a lot more draw from the system to bring enough air through it. Most residential systems don’t draw that much air, choking the system, reducing your efficiency and increasing strain. It’s best to stick with the manufacturer-recommended filter and adding additional indoor air quality options as needed.

Myth: Your Thermostat Programs Don’t Matter

You may have read that your system is most efficient when you leave it at a set temperature all the time. This really depends on your system, and it’s only true if you’re using a heat pump over the winter. Otherwise, you reduce your system’s strain and energy consumption by adjusting the temperature when you’re not home.

The Department of Energy says that adjusting your temperature saves you up to 10% of your heating and cooling costs. For these savings, you’ll need to adjust your thermostat by at least seven degrees for about eight hours each day. Using your thermostat’s programs makes it easy to automate the changes to always provide you the most comfort.

Myth: Shorter Cycles Use Less Energy

Logic tells you that the longer your system runs, the more energy it uses. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll end up saving money if your system runs shorter cycles.

Rather, your system must run long enough to effectively heat or cool your home, normally 10 to 15 minutes. Anything shorter than that likely causes your system to run those cycles more frequently, known as short-cycling. This actually uses more energy and leads to additional repairs from starting and stopping more frequently.

Myth: Your System Doesn’t Need Professional Maintenance

You may think that you can easily maintain your furnace and air conditioner on your own. You may have even heard that your system doesn’t really need annual maintenance.

Both of these are significantly off base and will end up costing you. Attempting to complete your system’s maintenance could cause damage if you don’t have the appropriate training and equipment. Furthermore, it may forfeit your manufacturer’s warranty, which could leave you with extensive repair bills.

Make sure that you know how to use your HVAC system without falling for the myths. Call today to schedule your HVAC maintenance or repair with the expert service technicians at Pol’s Heating and Cooling, LLC.

Image provided by iStock

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