Why Did My Furnace Pilot Light Go Out in Tellico Plains, TN?

A furnace pilot light going out is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to any homeowner in Tellico Plains, TN. Not only will your furnace not work as needed, but you could also get a buildup of dangerous natural gas. Here are some reasons your furnace pilot light might go out:

Dirty Pilot Light Orifice

If your pilot light goes out, a direct approach to solving the issue might be the right one. In that case, you might want to go straight to the source and examine your furnace’s pilot light orifice.

The pilot light orifice is a tiny cap with a pinhole that should allow just the right amount of gas to flow through it to keep the pilot light lit. Over time, soot, dust and other debris can clog it. This chokes off the flow of gas and eliminates any source for sufficient ignition.

The only way to reach the pilot light orifice and properly clean it is to disassemble a considerable part of the furnace. You should never attempt to do this on your own. Instead, request the services of an experienced heating repair service technician.

Faulty Gas Regulator

A gas regulator is a special control device that should keep the amount and pressure of natural gas in your furnace at a given level. It typically sits somewhere near your gas meter. If it malfunctions and cuts off the flow of gas, your pilot light will go out and your furnace won’t start.

The key indicator that your gas regulator might be the ultimate source of your trouble is that your other gas-powered appliances also stop working. Again, you should seek professional help to deal with this problem. Otherwise, you risk furnace damage and personal injury.

Our team in Tellico Plains, TN, can help with any furnace pilot light issue. Just call Pol’s Heating and Cooling, LLC and ask for furnace services. We’ll be happy to assist you.

Image provided by iStock

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