4 Signs of a Faulty AC Sensor in Tellico Plains, TN

Your air conditioner’s sensor plays a critical role in the temperature regulation process. Like any other air conditioning component, the sensor can become faulty. We’ll discuss some signs of a faulty AC sensor in Tellico Plains, TN.

Air Conditioner Fails to Turn On

The sensor’s role is to monitor your indoor temperatures. When it detects that the temperature has risen above your preferred level, the air conditioner turns on to cool your house. If the AC sensor is faulty, it can’t detect a change in your indoor temperature, so, your air conditioner may be unable to start working.

AC System Runs Constantly

After the sensor detects that the indoor temperature has reached your preferred level, the air conditioner stops working. However, if the sensor is defective, it cannot detect when the air conditioner achieves your desired temperature. As a result, the air conditioner may continue working without taking breaks.

The components of your air conditioner wear out quickly when the system overworks, resulting in more frequent breakdowns and increased repairs. An AC system that runs constantly also consumes excessive energy.

Air Conditioner Short Cycles

Short0cycling occurs when a system turns on, works for a short time, shuts down before a cycle is complete and repeats the process. When your AC sensor malfunctions, it can make the air conditioner turn on and off more times than it should.

Your Home Has Hot and Cold Spots

A faulty AC sensor may make the system shut down before distributing the cooled air evenly in your house. As a result, you’ll notice hot and cold spots in your living space.

A faulty AC sensor affects the system’s ability to keep your home comfortable. If you suspect your system’s sensor is defective, call our air conditioning experts at Pol’s Heating and Cooling, LLC for help.

Image provided by iStock

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